Random Thoughts

Nature’s Wonderful Invention -Steps!

Nature invented steps – we just adapted them!
Nature’s simple design has mutated over time into everything from rope ladders to the impressive sweeping stairways of palaces and stage sets! We even have moving steps, aka escalators!
Without steps hilltop villages, multi story houses, could not have existed!
People and animals can accomplish steep climbs and descents quickly and easily where steps are provided! Alas roads suitable for wheeled vehicles achieve the same goal only by switch backing across vast areas of hillside! No one has yet invented a vehicle to climb steps!
From such graphic objects many metaphorical meanings have emerged!
We talk of ‘moving a step up the ladder’ or ‘being pushed back a step’!
Courtship is often referred to as ‘Stepping out’.
Living ‘below stairs’ meant one was a member of the servant class.
Achieving promotion either in work or social standing is seen a ‘step up’ in the world!
Pompous folks ‘need to be taken down a step’!
Wide sweeping steps up to buildings are meant to impress and possibly intimidate!
Threats to ‘take steps’ are meant to curb behavior!
Most of the time we try to ‘keep in step’ but declare ‘if a man seems out of step with his companions, perhaps he marches to a different drummer’. (Thoreau)
Devices are available to count our steps throughout the day because health enthusiasts inform us that taking enough steps each day are the key to long life and happiness.
What steps will you take today? Will they be physical or mental or perhaps a mixture of both?
Today, let us step forward eagerly into life’s next great adventure!


Steps I have Known and Loved!

Posted in Random Thoughts.