Our World Has Changed and so Must We!

Every generation in its turn experiences catastrophic events which irrevocably change the world as we know it for ever. Today it is the efforts to contain the spread of a new virus that has caused everything we consider ‘normal’ to be disappear!  The world we knew in 2019 will be transformed beyond belief over the next few years.

The picture above is found in the chapel above Castellane in the Verdun region of France. It is the pilgrimage of thanksgiving to the Chapel on the Rock for deliverance from one of the frequent cholera epidemics. There are similar photos for other years.   

History is a great teacher!  The fact is that throughout recorded history ‘natural’ cataclysmic events have occurred with an almost monotonous regularity.

Wave upon wave of killer diseases like cholera, bubonic plague, typhoid, polio, ebola trace their path throughout the world.  Natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunami,volcanic eruptions, meteor strikes, catastrophic rains or droughts, plagues of insects occur with almost monotonous regularity. Even today locusts are devouring every living plant in Southern Sudan and many other areas of Africa this year. 

We humans have not been backward in creating many cataclysmic events on our own!!! Wars are ever present somewhere on this planet.

But through every disaster, the human race continues to survive, as we will survive and eventually defeat Covid19. 

The solutions to most such cataclysmic events are multifaceted.  But at the heart of every solution to disasters of every kind lie hard mental and physical work, cooperation, innovation, stubborn determination and an openness to changes and new technologies that we would probably have deemed unthinkable in our previous settled world.

We will come through this, we will tame,hopefully even kill our Covid19 dragon!

Below are more pix of the wonderful Lady of the Rock high above Castellane.

Posted in Random Thoughts.