The Birth of My Series, Eighty Years of Living!

When I completed my first book ‘Memories of a Wenlock Childhood’ I was thrilled to find how many folks found that my stories triggered their own memories of childhood and, in the process, inspired them to relive happy moments long lost in the midst of a busy life! Meanwhile I was left with a host […]

Stuff Happens-My Covid Project!

Who remembers those long ago science classes and the dogma ‘Every action has an equal and different reaction’? Today we have proof of that statement big time! The Covid Pandemic and government efforts to control it have changed our 2019 world completely and, in the process, rocked, even derailed many public and private projects and […]

Our New Reality!

Our current shut down etc. is but a temporary solution for controlling the speed of new infections sufficiently to allow the Health Systems to cope with the pandemic.  At the same time, a small amount of ‘herd’ immunity is being built up although, until testing for antibodies is more widespread, we will not know what […]

Our World Has Changed and so Must We!

Every generation in its turn experiences catastrophic events which irrevocably change the world as we know it for ever. Today it is the efforts to contain the spread of a new virus that has caused everything we consider ‘normal’ to be disappear!  The world we knew in 2019 will be transformed beyond belief over the […]

The Unfortunate Interruption in Posts!

Sometimes stuff just happens! Alas hindsight provides us with wonderful reasons why something happened but by then it is too late to mend our ways or be prepared for our fate! To quote my own mother, ‘Man proposes, the Good Lord disposes!’ However, perhaps my story may alert some amongst my readers to warning signs […]

What’s in a Name? Where are they now? My College Group 1956!

For centuries we women have taken our husband’s surname on marriage.  We really had no choice! In fact, until the late 19th century, we technically ceased to exist as a person and became our husband’s ‘chattel’!  Admittedly there were rare exceptions where a family name and /or ancestral estates made it advantageous for the husband […]

Picking Your Own -still a joy today for the lucky few!

After I published ‘Homer Damson Blossom Sunday’ I received several questions regarding who used all those Damsons and I realised how very different our world was in the 1940’s in Britain, compared with the world we live in now. Back then everything was used and “Waste not, want not, pick it up and eat it” […]

Wenlock Priory

Above-The 12th Century Infirmary  at Wenlock Abbey circa 1950 Today, as I watched Notre Dame cathedral in Paris burn, I realised that my assumptions about the burning of Much Wenlock Priory and other Abbeys in Britain at the time of the reformation were obviously completely wrong!  If the Priory Church been torched to bring down […]

That Hidden Credit Card Vampire

Today I received my Credit card Statement.  Now I do use my credit card for most purchases, but I always pay the full Balance before the stated due date. I make sure I never spend more than I can pay off in one month! This means that using my credit card costs me absolutely nothing […]

Wartime Memories of a child

Today is the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War 1! Much has been said about those who gave their lives and for me that list includes two uncles, one great uncle and several 2nd cousins!  Many more family members served in the Great War and WW2 and bore the scars for the rest […]